[Rd] package.skeleton does invalide regular name, bis... (PR#12020)

Prof Brian Ripley ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Fri Aug 8 08:57:29 CEST 2008

This is already fixed by

r46068 | maechler | 2008-07-16 22:34:26 +0100 (Wed, 16 Jul 2008) | 1 line

package.skeleton(., code_files) fix name check

Not sure when it was submitted ....

On Thu, 7 Aug 2008, cgenolin at u-paris10.fr wrote:

> Hi the list,
> I guess I find an other bug (the first one is at the end off this mail)
> in package.skeleton. It occurs when we give as code_file some file that
> are not in the current directories.
> If we give a single file to code_file (like code_file=3D"riri/fifi.R"),
> it does not reconize fifi.R as a regular name and change it to
> riri/zfifi.R
> If we give several file to code_file (like
> code_file=3Dc("riri/titi.R","riri/loulou.R")), it does not reconize
> titi.R as a regular name, change it to toto/ztiti.R and we get an error
> on riri/loulou.R
> Christophe
> --- 8< ---------------------
>> package.skeleton(name=3D"miniKml",code_files=3Dc("miniKml/R/global.R","mi=
> niKml/R/global2.R"),force=3DTRUE)
> Cr=E9ation des r=E9pertoires...
> Cr=E9ation de DESCRIPTION...
> Cr=E9ation de 'Read-and-delete-me'...
> Recopiage des fichiers de code...
> Erreur dans file.rename(from =3D file.path(code_dir, bn), to =3D
> file.path(code_dir,  :  'source' doit =EAtre une cha=EEne de caract=E8res u=
> nique
> De plus : Warning message:
> In package.skeleton(name =3D "miniKml", code_files =3D c("miniKml/R/global.=
> R",  :
>  Nom(s) de fichier(s) invalide(s) pour du code R ./miniKml/R:
>  'global.R', 'global2.R'
> sont maintenant renomm=E9s vers 'z<nom>.R'
> --- 8< --------------------------
>> Hi the list,
>> I am using package.skeleton on a file that has a very classic name,
>> but package.skeleton detect it as a invalid name :
>> --- 8< -------
>> package.skeleton(name=3D"packClassicBis",code_files=3D"./packClassic/R/pr=
> ogClassic.R")
>> Cr=E9ation des r=E9pertoires...
>> Cr=E9ation de DESCRIPTION...
>> Cr=E9ation de 'Read-and-delete-me'...
>> Recopiage des fichiers de code...
>> Cr=E9ation des fichiers d'aide ...
>> Termin=E9.
>> Les =E9tapes suivantes sont d=E9crites dans './packClassic4/Read-and-dele=
> te-me'.
>> Warning message:
>> In package.skeleton(name =3D "packClassic4", code_files =3D
>> "./packClassic/R/progClassic.R") :
>>  Nom(s) de fichier(s) invalide(s) pour du code R ./packClassic4/R:
>>  'progClassic.R'
>> sont maintenant renomm=E9s vers 'z<nom>.R'
>> --- 8< -------
>> It create the file "zprogClassic.R" in directorie "packClassicBis\R"
>> Is there something wrong in my code or is it a bug in package.skeleton ?
>> Christophe
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> Ce message a ete envoye par IMP, grace a l'Universite Paris 10 Nanterre
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Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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