[Rd] incorrect usage of glmer crashes R (PR#12375)
susscorfa at zonnet.nl
susscorfa at zonnet.nl
Thu Aug 7 12:20:41 CEST 2008
Full_Name: susscorfa
Version: 2.7.1
OS: ubuntu
Submission from: (NULL) (
Incorrect implementation of the grouping variable in the function glmer crashes
a small example:
a<-data.frame(b=rpois(1000,10), c=gl(20,50), d=rnorm(1000,3), e=rnorm(1000,5),
glmer(b~d+f|c+(e), family=poisson, data=a)
It crashes R on debian linux (2 independant systems) as well as windows
The correct function usage is:
glmer(b~d+f+(e|c), family=poisson, data=a)
I suppose it should just eveluate as wrong usage of a function but should not
crash R
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