[Rd] [PATCH] Typo in 'help' documentation

Roger D. Peng [audrey] rpeng at jhsph.edu
Wed Apr 30 14:39:07 CEST 2008

I think this should be "package is loaded" and not "library is
loaded".  At least, I can't see how it can be correct the way it's
currently written.


 src/library/utils/man/help.Rd |    2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git src/library/utils/man/help.Rd src/library/utils/man/help.Rd
index 5b0ed8e..783b0c2 100644
--- src/library/utils/man/help.Rd
+++ src/library/utils/man/help.Rd
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ type?topic
   Unless \code{lib.loc} is specified explicitly, the loaded packages are
   searched before those in the specified libraries.  This ensures that
-  if a library is loaded from a library not in the known library trees,
+  if a package is loaded from a library not in the known library trees,
   then the help from the loaded library is used.  If \code{lib.loc} is
   specified explicitly, the loaded packages are \emph{not} searched.

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