[Rd] r won't start: "r: symbol lookup error: r: undefined symbol: R_Visible" (PR#11265)

Vincent Goulet vincent.goulet at act.ulaval.ca
Sat Apr 26 00:30:41 CEST 2008

Le ven. 25 avr. à 07:09, Dirk Eddelbuettel a écrit :

> On 24 April 2008 at 20:20, jakobstoeger at gmx.de wrote:
> | Full_Name: Jakob Stoeger
> | Version: 2.7.0
> | OS: ubuntu 7.10
> | Submission from: (NULL) (
> |
> |
> | Hi!
> |
> | I hope, it is justified to write this email...
> | I'm relatively new to linux, and haven't worked with r, yet, so  
> please pardon
> | any things I do not know...
> |
> | I tried installing r on my computer, and didn't manage to get the  
> program
> | running.
> | After having installed littler, typing r into the bash results in  
> following
> | message:
> |
> | r: symbol lookup error: r: undefined symbol: R_Visible
> You need to rebuild littler ('r') against the new version of R ('R').
> I did that for Debian, looks like Ubuntu could do with it too.  Your R
> version was provided by volunteers outside of Ubuntu.
> Vincent: In a perfect world, could you rebuild littler and provide it?

I'm not convinced this was the problem (probably more the case issue  
raised by others), but heck, it was simple to build packages for  
littler. On their way to CRAN now.

*However*, I won't commit to always maintain this package for Ubuntu.  
Our general policy is to provide up-to-date binaries for the  
Recommended packages only.

HTH   Vincent

> Jakob: Barring a new littler you can apt-get, the easiest may be to  
> just
> uninstall littler and rebuild it locally so that thew R 2.7.0 is used.
> Ping me, or better still, the r-sig-debian list, with questions if  
> you have
> any.  You need to subscribe to r-sig-debian before you can post there.
> Lastly, if you only want or use R, use R :)  'r' is for scripting  
> and short
> command-line uses.
> Dirk
> PS  It is the same with RPy.
> | I found a bugreport here:
> | http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=418686
> | I'm not sure, if this has anything to do with it, as it concerns  
> rkward...
> |
> | Anyway, this information might come handy:
> | my system:
> | ubuntu 7.10
> | Kernel 2.6.22-14-generic
> | GNOME 2.20.1
> |
> | installed packages:
> | r-base 2.7.0-1gutsy0
> | r-base-core 2.7.1gutsy0
> | r-cran-cluster 1.11.10-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-boot 1.2.32-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-cluster 1.11.10-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-codetools 0.2-0-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-foreign 0.8.24-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-kernsmooth 2.22.22-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-lattice 0.17-6-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-mgcv 1.3-30-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-nlme 3.1.88-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-rpart 3.1.41-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-survival 2.34-1gutsy0
> | r-cran-vr 7.2.41-1gutsy0
> |
> | rkward 0.4.7a-1ubuntu1
> |
> | r-recommended 2.7.0-1gutsy0
> |
> |
> | I can't guarantee, that this list is complete, as I don't know  
> (yet), how to
> | check for it...
> |
> | Not really relevant, but I feel that I should tell you:
> |
> | The university at which I study used to use SPSS. Until this term,  
> from which on
> | we will officially use r. Yeah!
> |
> | So, I hope you can help me getting r working. If I can help by  
> doing anything,
> | please tell me how...
> | Also, I hope, this is a problem with r and not with my ubuntu, in  
> which case I
> | probably wouldn't have contacted you, if I would have known...
> |
> | Thank you very much!
> |
> | All the best,
> | Jakob
> |
> | ______________________________________________
> | R-devel at r-project.org mailing list
> | https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-devel
> -- 
> Three out of two people have difficulties with fractions.

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