[Rd] R-2.7.0 RC (2008-04-20 r45403) fails fullcheck

apjaworski at mmm.com apjaworski at mmm.com
Mon Apr 21 23:32:54 CEST 2008

Sorry.  I should have looked at the sas.Rout.  Indeed, the network file
cannot be read.

This seems to be the same problem that was happening a couple of versions
ago and had to do with our firewall not allowing certain connections.  The
solution then was to use the --internet2 switch.  The same thing happens
now.  If I do

Rcmd.exe BATCH --internet2 sas.R

it works.  Without --internet2 it does not.  What confused me was that it
works fine from the R console, although I do not use the --internet2 switch
when starting up interactive R (I used to have to do it explicitly in my R
link).  Apparently there is no need for --internet2 in Rgui but there is in
Rcmd, although I am almost sure that I did not see this problem when 2.6
was coming out.


Andy Jaworski
Process Laboratory
3M Corporate Research Laboratory
E-mail: apjaworski at mmm.com
Tel:  (651) 733-6092
Fax:  (651) 736-3122

             Prof Brian Ripley                                             
             <ripley at stats.ox.                                             
             ac.uk>                                                     To 
                                       apjaworski at mmm.com                  
             04/21/2008 04:05                                           cc 
             PM                        R-devel at stat.math.ethz.ch           
                                       Re: [Rd] R-2.7.0 RC (2008-04-20     
                                       r45403) fails fullcheck             

That check needs a (large) file from the internet.  Your symptoms would be
consistent with it being temporarily unavailable.  I would have expected
you to look at sas.Rout to see what happened.

On Mon, 21 Apr 2008, apjaworski at mmm.com wrote:

> A strange thing happened.  After installing the most recent RC version of
> 2.7 (2008-04-20 r45403) I compiled it as usual with no errors.  After
> installing it I ran "make fullcheck".  I got as far as testing
> packages and I got the following:
> ...
> -------- Testing package foreign --------
> Running examples in 'foreign-Ex.R' ...
> Comparing `foreign-Ex.Rout' to `foreign-Ex.Rout.prev' ...OK
> Running specific tests
>  Running `S3.R'
>  Comparing `S3.Rout' to `S3.Rout.save' ...OK
>  Running `arff.R'
>  Comparing `arff.Rout' to `arff.Rout.save' ...OK
>  Running `minitab.R'
>  Comparing `minitab.Rout' to `minitab.Rout.save' ...OK
>  Running `octave.R'
>  Comparing `octave.Rout' to `octave.Rout.save' ...OK
>  Running `sas.R'
> make[2]: *** [sas.Rout] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [tests] Error 2
> make: *** [pkgcheck-foreign] Error 2
> This also happens when I just run "make check-recommended".
> The thing is that if I start-up the just installed version of R, change
> directory to R-rc/src/library/foreign/tests and source the sas.R script,
> everything works fine.  Also when I do
> Rcmd.exe BATCH sas.R
> things seem to be normal, i.e., I just get the prompt back after a short
> while.
> I am on Windows XP professional SP2.  My machine is a core-duo Xeon
> workstation.
> Hope this helps,
> Andy
> __________________________________
> Andy Jaworski
> 518-1-01
> Process Laboratory
> 3M Corporate Research Laboratory
> -----
> E-mail: apjaworski at mmm.com
> Tel:  (651) 733-6092
> Fax:  (651) 736-3122
> ______________________________________________
> R-devel at r-project.org mailing list
> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-devel

Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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