[Rd] Fortran underscore problem persists on Linux x86/64 (PR#11206)

Thomas Petzoldt Thomas.Petzoldt at TU-Dresden.de
Sun Apr 20 18:22:14 CEST 2008

Dear Prof. Ripley,

thank you very much for correcting the treatment of 'extra underscore' 
that in fact solved our problem with the Fortran interface on my Ubuntu 
  7.1 x86/64, even with g77 3.4.6. I accidentally installed g77 instead 
of gfortran (4.x), sorry for my limited knowledge about that. Is it 
still necessary to provide detailed information about all involved 
compilers and symbol tables?

Thomas Petzoldt

Thomas Petzoldt
Technische Universitaet Dresden
Institut fuer Hydrobiologie        thomas.petzoldt at tu-dresden.de
01062 Dresden                      http://tu-dresden.de/hydrobiologie/

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