[Rd] make check fails if called with --without-recommended-packages

Detlef Steuer detlef.steuer at hsu-hamburg.de
Fri Apr 11 16:11:32 CEST 2008


just for information:

On Suse 10.3 x86 
> make check 

if configure was called with --without-recommended-packages

for the latest beta. 

The problem I stumbled upon is located in utlis. Here comes the relevant part 
of  utils-Ex.Rout.fail in R-2.7.0/tests/Examples

> ### ** Examples
> require(stats)
> glmout <- capture.output(example(glm))
Fehler in .find.package(package, lib.loc, verbose = verbose) : 
  there is no package called 'MASS'
Calls: capture.output ... eval.with.vis -> eval.with.vis -> <Anonymous> -> .find.package
Ausführung angehalten

Seems tests using recommended packages aren't disabled, even if given --without-recommended-packages.

May be it's by design, i.e. make check shall only be run with recommended packages, 
may be it's a bug(let).


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