[Rd] package.skeleton.S4

Christophe Genolini cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
Sat Apr 5 15:11:56 CEST 2008

>> And I am not sure I will be able to compile it...
> It's also not that hard....
I do not understand what I have to do...
More precisely, I under windows XP32bit. As you told me, I downloaded 
the version 2.7alpha exactly like I did with the 2.6.2, I install it 
exactly the same way and it seems to work. I did not compile anything... 
Should I have ?

For package.skeleton, I will make some more advance test this week, but 
I already have a warnings:

Warning messages:
1: In system(paste("rm ", file.path(docs_dir, sprintf("%s.Rd", 
list0[item])))) :
  rm introuvable
2: In system(paste("rm ", file.path(docs_dir, sprintf("%s.Rd", 
list0[item])))) :
  rm introuvable

I guess it is because "rm" is unix and not windows ?

On monday, I will also use it on windows 64bit.


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