[Rd] a package depending on other packages does not pass checking on windows

Mstislav Elagin elagin at wias-berlin.de
Mon Oct 29 23:45:36 CET 2007

Dear developers,

I am writing a package that depends on some other packages. The
dependencies are stated in the `description' file under "Depends". They
are installed in my private library, which is pointed to by setting
R_LIBS in .Renviron, and are available if R is started normally.
However, when I try to `R CMD check' my package, R complains about the
dependencies being not available. I believe the reason is the option
--vanilla set in $R_HOME/bin/check that prevents R from reading my
This problem manifests itself with R 2.5.1 under Windows XP but not with
the same version under Linux. (Yes, I know this is not the latest
version, sorry about that :) )

How do I convince `R CMD check' to find the packages installed in the
private library?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Mstislav Elagin

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