[Rd] setIs-relation does not entail automatic coercion in S4 method dispatch --- should it?
Peter Ruckdeschel
Peter.Ruckdeschel at uni-bayreuth.de
Mon May 21 08:57:28 CEST 2007
Hi R-devels,
I am a bit puzzled about when/if "setIs-conditional" coercion is performed
in S4 method dispatch.
Setup: Myclass1 setIs()-conditionally is inheriting from Myclass2.
My first guess would have been:
If the corresponding test clause in setIs() is TRUE and there is
no Myclass1-method foo() but a Myclass2-method foo(), a call to
foo() with a corresponding Myclass1 instance as argument
automatically coerce this instance to Myclass2 using the coerce
function in setIs(). It does not; (consider the example below).
I am pretty sure that there are good reasons for this behaviour, but could you
give me arguments why this automatic coercion should not be a good idea?
###### Begin of example
### conditional inheritance by setIs
setIs("Myclass1", "Myclass2", test = function(obj) obj at a>0,
coerce = function(obj) {cat("setIs coercion used\n")## does not seem to be used for
new("Myclass2", b=obj at a) }, ## automatic coercion
replace = function(obj, value) {cat("setIs replacement used\n") ## does not seem to be used...
new("Myclass2", b=value at b)
### accessor to slot b
if(!isGeneric("b")) setGeneric("b", function(object) standardGeneric("b"))
setMethod("b","Myclass2", function(object) object at b)
### a method for Myclass2
if(!isGeneric("foo")) setGeneric("foo", function(object) standardGeneric("foo"))
selectMethod("foo","Myclass2") ### does find foo-method for class Myclass2 as expected
selectMethod("foo","Myclass1") ### does find foo-method for class Myclass2 as expected
## an instance of Myclass1
MyC1 <- new("Myclass1",a=2)
MyC1.0 <- new("Myclass1",a=-2)
### implicit coercion using setIs coerce function does not work as I would have expected:
foo(MyC1) ### does not coerce MyC1 to Myclass2 although possible
foo(MyC1.0) ### as expected: does not coerce as not possible
### explicit coercion:
foo(as(MyC1,"Myclass2")) ### works as expected: uses foo-method for class Myclass2
foo(as(MyC1.0,"Myclass2")) ### works as expected: error as not coercable
### way out?
setMethod("b","Myclass1", function(object)
if (object at a>0)
object at a
stop("not coercable to class Myclass2")
foo(MyC1) ### works as expected: uses foo-method for class Myclass2
foo(MyC1.0) ### works as expected: error as not coercable
###### End of example
Any suggestion appreciated
thanks already
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