[Rd] conflict between lme4 and RMySQL packages (PR#9753)

dale.barr at ucr.edu dale.barr at ucr.edu
Tue Jun 26 00:57:22 CEST 2007

Full_Name: Dale Barr
Version: 2.5.1 (patched)
OS: Ubuntu linux x86_64
Submission from: (NULL) (

When RMySQL is loaded in before lme4, the summary() function for lmer objects in
the lme4 packages produces the following error:

Error in printMer(object) : no slot of name "status" for this object of class

When RMySQL is loaded AFTER lme4, however, no such error arises.  For example,
the following code gives the error:

> library(RMySQL)
Loading required package: DBI
> library(lme4)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lattice
> data(sleepstudy)
> fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
> summary(fm1)
Error in printMer(object) : no slot of name "status" for this object of class

Now, here is the exact same code except that lme4 is loaded before RMySQL.  The
summary function works properly.

> library(lme4)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lattice
library(RMySQL)> library(RMySQL)
Loading required package: DBI
> data(sleepstudy)
> fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)
> summary(fm1)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML 
Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject) 
   Data: sleepstudy 
  AIC  BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance
 1754 1770 -871.8       1752         1744
Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr  
 Subject  (Intercept) 610.835  24.7151        
          Days         35.056   5.9208  0.067 
 Residual             655.066  25.5943        
number of obs: 180, groups: Subject, 18

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  251.405      6.820   36.86
Days          10.467      1.546    6.77

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
Days -0.137

R version 2.5.1 RC (2007-06-22 r42030) 


attached base packages:
[1] "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "methods"  
[7] "base"     

other attached packages:
     RMySQL         DBI        lme4      Matrix     lattice 
    "0.6-0"     "0.2-3" "0.99875-2" "0.99875-2"   "0.15-11"

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