[Rd] Using R_MakeExternalPtr

Hin-Tak Leung hin-tak.leung at cimr.cam.ac.uk
Fri Jul 27 22:19:31 CEST 2007

As others as commented, everything going in/out of the .Call() interface
needs to be SEXP (even if it does nothing and you are returning

Secondly, your attached code is both (1) too long, and (2) incomplete.

You should write some *simple* R code that
uses only soamInit() and soamUnInit() (the latter is missing and you had 
not included it), Then fill the middle with soamSubmit(). Nobody really
want to read your 60+ line of R code (too long) and incomplete C code
(too short) to work out what's broken. Use complete and short examples
to illustrate your problem!

Also, you seem to take for granted that the typo/length of Argument
in soamSubmit() are those you think they are... e.g. I would put in say, 
for example:

if ((JobID == R_NilValue) || ( TYPEOF(JobID) != INTSXP)) {
     Rprintf("JobID unexpected!\n");
     return R_NilValue;

Just to be on the safe side. You may find some surprises there -
trying to do INTEGER() on a REALSXP, or vice versa can be dangerous.

I am still not convinced that your segfault is to do with externalptr -
e.g. the '.Call() must return SEXP' is a basic R extension usage and you
didn't understand that one.

Jonathan Zhou wrote:
> Hi all, 
> Here is the R code function in where I called the two C++ and further below
> are the 2 C++ functions I used to create the externalptr and use it : 
> soam.Rapply <- function (x, func, ...,
>                            join.method=cbind,
>                            njobs,
>                            batch.size=100,
>                            packages=NULL,
>                            savelist=NULL)
> {
>     if(missing(njobs))
>         njobs <- max(1,ceiling(nrow(x)/batch.size))
>     if(!is.matrix(x) && !is.data.frame(x))
>         stop("x must be a matrix or data frame")
>     if(njobs>1)
>         {rowSet <- lapply(splitIndices(nrow(x), njobs), function(i) x[i, ,
> drop = FALSE])} else {rowSet <- list(x)}
>     sesCon <- .Call("soamInit")
>     script <- " "
>     fname <- tempfile(pattern = "Rsoam_data", tmpdir = getwd())
>     file(fname, open="w+")
>     if(!is.null(savelist)) {
>         dump(savelist, fname)
>         script<-readLines(fname)
>     }
>     if(!is.null(packages))
>     for(counter in 1:length(packages))
>     {
>         temp<-call("library", packages[counter], character.only=TRUE)
>         dput(temp, fname)
>         pack.call<-readLines(fname)
>         script<-append(script, pack.call)
>     }
>     for(counter in 1:njobs)
>     {
>         caller <- paste("caller", counter, sep = "")
>         soam.call<-call("dput", call("apply", X=rowSet[[counter]], MARGIN=1,
> FUN=func), caller)
>         dput(soam.call, fname)
>         soam.call<-readLines(fname)
>         temp<-append(script, soam.call)
>         final.script = temp[1]
>         for(count in 2:length(temp)){
>             final.script<-paste(final.script, temp[count], "\n")}
>         .Call("soamSubmit", counter, sesCon, final.script, packages)
>     }
>     .Call("soamGetResults", sesCon, njobs, join.method, parent.frame())
>     for(job in 1:njobs)
>     {
>         caller <- paste("result", job, sep = "")
>         temp = dget(caller)
>         if(job==1) {retval=temp} else {retval=join.method(retval,temp)}
>     }
>     .Call("soamUninit")
>     retval
> }
> *** Here are the 2 C++ functions: 
> extern "C"
> {
> SEXP soamInit ()
> {
>     // Initialize the API
>     SoamFactory::initialize();
>     // Set up application specific information to be supplied to Symphony
>     char appName[] = "SampleAppCPP";
>     // Set up application authentication information using the default
> security provider
>     DefaultSecurityCallback securityCB("Guest", "Guest");
>     // Connect to the specified application
>     ConnectionPtr conPtr = SoamFactory::connect(appName, &securityCB);
>     // Set up session creation attributes
>     SessionCreationAttributes attributes;
>     attributes.setSessionName("mySession");
>     attributes.setSessionType("ShortRunningTasks");
>     attributes.setSessionFlags(SF_RECEIVE_SYNC);
>     // Create a synchronous session
>     Session* sesPtr = conPtr->createSession(attributes);
>     SEXP out = R_MakeExternalPtr((void*)temp, R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
>     return out;
> }
> }
> extern "C"
> {
>   void soamSubmit	(SEXP jobID,		//job ID
> 			 SEXP sesCon,		//session pointer
> 			 SEXP caller,			//objects
> 			 SEXP pack)			//packages
> {
> 	char* savelist = CHAR(STRING_ELT(caller, 0));
> 	string strTemp = "";
> 	int job = INTEGER(jobID)[0];
> 	void* temp = R_ExternalPtrAddr(sesCon);
>         Session* sesPtr = reinterpret_cast<Session*>(temp);
>     // Create a message
> 	MyMessage inMsg(job, /*pack,*/ savelist);
>     // Send it
>     TaskInputHandlePtr input = sesPtr->sendTaskInput(&inMsg);
> }
> }

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