[Rd] histbackback function code needs a change with R 2.4.1 version (PR#9456)

MATILDE.TREVISANI at econ.units.it MATILDE.TREVISANI at econ.units.it
Tue Jan 16 11:30:14 CET 2007

Dear Author and Maintainer of Hmisc contributed package,
Dear R developers,
i noticed a problem with histbackback routine when i installed the last version of R (2.4.1)
(With my previous version, 2.3.1, there was no such a problem)
If, e.g., you simply edit the command
> histbackback(rnorm(20), rnorm(30))
a warning message is printed on the console.
Warning messages:
1: argument 'probability' is not made use of in: hist.default(x, breaks = brks, plot = FALSE, probability = probability) 
2: argument 'probability' is not made use of in: hist.default(y, breaks = brks, plot = FALSE, probability = probability) 
To fix this problem I simply REPLACE lines 26-27 of histbackback() code:
ll <- hist(x, breaks = brks, plot = FALSE,probability=probability)
rr <- hist(y, breaks = brks, plot = FALSE,probability=probability)
ll <- hist(x, breaks = brks, plot = FALSE)
rr <- hist(y, breaks = brks, plot = FALSE) 
The problem -- i guess --  is generated by the call to hist() which judges "incompatible" setting
plot = FALSE and contemporarily specifying the probability argument.
In fact, the description of plot argument in hist() function is as follows:
plot	 logical. If TRUE (default), a histogram is plotted, otherwise a list of breaks and counts is returned. In the latter case, a warning is used if (typically graphical) arguments are specified that only apply to the plot = TRUE case.

Hence, another correction could be to REMOVE probability argument from the list of "(typically graphical)" arguments that only apply to the plot = TRUE case. 

Then, it becomes a basic matter of R package.

Hope to be of some help and of course I would be very grateful ro receive any comment about.


Matilde Trevisani

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