[Rd] Wishlist: Sweave: allow line breaks after forward slashes (PR#9444)

Arne Henningsen ahenningsen at email.uni-kiel.de
Mon Jan 15 17:23:14 CET 2007

On Friday, 12. January 2007 11:39, you wrote:
> [...]
> I think you misunderstood me, given the "long answer".  

Indeed, I misunderstood you. 

> We haven't 
> changed the way deparse() handles "/". The solution in R-devel is given
> below.

I prefer to use "keep.source=FALSE", because I generally like that Sweave 
takes the job to format the code chunks. Therefore, it would be great if 
Sweave is allowed to introduce line breaks after forward slashes, e.g. if 
deparse() adds a blank after a forward slash.
Please move this wish from "wishlst-fulfilled" to "wishlst".


> Duncan Murdoch

Arne Henningsen
Department of Agricultural Economics
University of Kiel
Olshausenstr. 40
D-24098 Kiel (Germany)
Tel: +49-431-880 4445
Fax: +49-431-880 1397
ahenningsen at agric-econ.uni-kiel.de

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