[Rd] bug in partial matching of attribute names

Tony Plate tplate at blackmesacapital.com
Wed Feb 14 01:12:12 CET 2007

Ok, thanks for the news of a fix in progress.

On the topic of the "names" attribute being treated specially, I wonder 
if the do_attr() function might treat it a little too specially.  As far 
as I can tell, the loop in the first large block code in do_attr() 
(attrib.c), which begins

     /* try to find a match among the attributes list */
     for (alist = ATTRIB(s); alist != R_NilValue; alist = CDR(alist)) {

will find a full or partial match for a "names" attribute (at least for 
ordinary lists and vectors).

Then the large block of code after that, beginning:

     /* unless a full match has been found, check for a "names" attribute */
     if (match != FULL && ! strncmp(CHAR(PRINTNAME(R_NamesSymbol)), str, 
n)) {

seems unnecessary because a names attribute has already been checked 
for.  In the case of a partial match on the "names" attribute this code 
will behave as though there is an ambiguous partial match, and 
(incorrectly) return Nil.  Is this second block of code specific to the 
"names" attribute possibly a hangover from an earlier day when the first 
loop didn't detect a "names" attribute?  Or am I missing something?  Are 
there some other objects for which the first loop doesn't include a 
"names" attribute?

-- Tony Plate

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> It happens that I was looking at this yesterday (in connection with 
> encodings on CHARSXPs) and have a fix in testing across CRAN right now.
> As for "names", as you will know from reading 'R Internals' the names 
> can be stored in more than one place, which is why it has to be treated 
> specially.
> On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Tony Plate wrote:
>> There looks to be a bug in do_attr() (src/main/attrib.c): incorrect
>> partial matches of attribute names can be returned when there are an odd
>> number of partial matches.
>> E.g.:
>> > x <- c(a=1,b=2)
>> > attr(x, "abcdef") <- 99
>> > attr(x, "ab")
>> [1] 99
>> > attr(x, "abc") <- 100
>> > attr(x, "ab") # correctly returns NULL because of ambig partial match
>> > attr(x, "abcd") <- 101
>> > attr(x, "ab") # incorrectly returns non-NULL for ambig partial match
>> [1] 101
>> > names(attributes(x))
>> [1] "names"  "abcdef" "abc"    "abcd"
>> >
>> The problem in do_attr() looks to be that after match is set to
>> PARTIAL2, it can be set back to PARTIAL again.  I think a simple fix is
>> to add a "break" in this block in do_attr():
>>     else if (match == PARTIAL) {
>>     /* this match is partial and we already have a partial match,
>>        so the query is ambiguous and we return R_NilValue */
>>     match = PARTIAL2;
>>     break; /* <---- ADD BREAK HERE */
>>     } else {
>> However, if this is indeed a bug, would this be a good opportunity to
>> get rid of partial matching on attribute names -- it was broken anyway
>> -- so toss it out? :-)  Does anyone depend on partial matching for
>> attribute names?  My view is that it's one of those things like partial
>> matching of list and vector element names that seemed like a good idea
>> at first, but turns out to be more trouble than it's worth.
>> On a related topic, partial matching does not seem to work for the
>> "names" attribute (which I would regard as a good thing :-).  However,
>> I'm puzzled why it doesn't work, because the code in do_attr() seems to
>> try hard to make it work.  Can anybody explain why?
>> E.g.:
>> > attr(x, "names")
>> [1] "a" "b"
>> > attr(x, "nam")
>> > sessionInfo()
>> R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)
>> i386-pc-mingw32
>> locale:
>> LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
>> States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United
>> States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "methods"
>> [7] "base"
>> >
>> -- Tony Plate
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