[Rd] Problem using ofstream in C++ class in package for MacOS X

cstrato cstrato at aon.at
Mon Feb 5 19:48:17 CET 2007

Dear Jochen

Thank you, there seems to be a problem with accessing memory but 
probably not in my simple program.
Here are the essential parts:

1. R-function:
"writeFileCpp" <-
function(outfile=character(0)) {
   r <- .C("WriteFileCpp",as.character(outfile), PACKAGE="MyClass");

2. R-wrapper:
   void WriteFileCpp(char **outfile)
      MyClassA *classA = new MyClassA();
      delete classA;

3. C++ method:
void MyClassA::WriteFileCpp(const char *outfile)
   ofstream output(outfile, ios::out);
   output << 21 << endl;

This crashes with "non-existent physical address"

Interestingly, the following C++ method works:
void MyClassA::WriteFileCpp(const char *outfile)
   ofstream output(outfile, ios::out);
//   output << 21 << endl;

This means, that the operator "<<" seems to cause the problem, but why?

Best regards

Jochen Laubrock wrote:
> Hi cstrato,
> On 04.02.2007, at 22:47, cstrato wrote:
>> ostream.tcc
> On my system (Mac OS X), ostream.tcc seems to be just a part of the 
> FSF/GNU implementation of the stl, as
> head -n 40 /usr/include/c++/4.0.0/bits/ostream.tcc
> gives
>> // This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library.  This library is free
>> // software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
>> [...]
>> /** @file ostream.tcc
>> *  This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
>> *  You should not attempt to use it directly.
>> */
>> //
>> // ISO C++ 14882: 27.6.2  Output streams
> I think your error looks more like you are accessing invalid memory, 
> maybe a dangling pointer ?
> hth, jochen

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