[Rd] system() fails with fc.exe (PR#9868)

joehl at web.de joehl at web.de
Mon Aug 20 15:44:20 CEST 2007

Full_Name: Jens Oehlschlägel
Version:  2.5.1
OS: Windows
Submission from: (NULL) (

Even when specifying the full path, the output of fc is not sent to R (neither
shown nor returned). For example

> system('c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\fc.exe /?',intern=TRUE)

When I do the same from python 2.3, I get

>>> import os
>>> os.system("c:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\fc /?")
Compares two files or sets of files and displays the differences between

FC [/A] [/C] [/L] [/LBn] [/N] [/OFF[LINE]] [/T] [/U] [/W] [/nnnn]
   [drive1:][path1]filename1 [drive2:][path2]filename2
FC /B [drive1:][path1]filename1 [drive2:][path2]filename2

  /A         Displays only first and last lines for each set of differences.
  /B         Performs a binary comparison.
  /C         Disregards the case of letters.
  /L         Compares files as ASCII text.
  /LBn       Sets the maximum consecutive mismatches to the specified
             number of lines.
  /N         Displays the line numbers on an ASCII comparison.
  /OFF[LINE] Do not skip files with offline attribute set.
  /T         Does not expand tabs to spaces.
  /U         Compare files as UNICODE text files.
  /W         Compresses white space (tabs and spaces) for comparison.
  /nnnn      Specifies the number of consecutive lines that must match
             after a mismatch.
             Specifies the first file or set of files to compare.
             Specifies the second file or set of files to compare.


> version
platform       i386-pc-mingw32             
arch           i386                        
os             mingw32                     
system         i386, mingw32               
major          2                           
minor          5.1                         
year           2007                        
month          06                          
day            27                          
svn rev        42083                       
language       R                           
version.string R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27)

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