[Rd] Documentation update to R-lang.texi

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Wed Apr 18 00:45:48 CEST 2007

On 4/16/2007 12:57 PM, Jeffrey Horner wrote:
> Section 4.3.4 of R-lang.texi version 41191 in the paragraph that starts 
> "When h(3) is..." explains that x and y are unbound variables in the 
> function body of g in this example:
>       f <- function(x) {
>           y <- 10
>           g <- function(x) x + y
>           return(g)
>       }
>       h <- f()
>       h(3)
> while the paragraph following the example explains that "bound variables 
> are those that match the formal arguments to the function." So wouldn't 
> x be bound?

I'll fix this in R-devel and the beta.

Duncan Murdoch

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