[Rd] R CMD Rdconv drops sections: arguments, seealso, examples (PR#9606)

timh at insightful.com timh at insightful.com
Tue Apr 10 20:26:22 CEST 2007

I've created a .Rd file (below), then converted that to .sgml using 
	R CMD Rdconv --type=Ssgm combn.Rd  > combn.sgml
The output (shown below) is missing some of the sections:
If instead I convert to .d (below), the same sections are missing,
and the "note" section is included but without the necessary newline.

\title{ Generate combinations of m elements out of x }
  Generate all combinations of \code{m} elements out of \code{x} or
  \code{1:n}, and optionally apply a function to each, and return
  a list or simplify to a matrix or array.
combn(x, m, FUN = NULL, simplify = TRUE, ...)
  \item{x}{ This is normally an integer \code{n}, in which case
    combinations of elemnents from \code{1:n} are returned.
    Otherwise this is a a vector, and elements of the vector are returned.
  \item{m}{ Number of elements in each combination. }
  \item{FUN}{ function to apply to each combination.  If \code{NULL},
    the combinations themselves are returned, one in each column of the
    result. }
  \item{simplify}{ If \code{FALSE}, the results are returned as a list,
    one combination or function value in each element.  If \code{TRUE},
    if possible the results are simplified to a matrix or array.
  \item{\dots}{ Optional argument to pass to \code{FUN}
  The case where \code{FUN} is supplied are handled by calling
  \code{\link{sapply}}, so \code{...}
  should not include argument to \code{\link{sapply}} -- in particular avoid
    \code{X} and \code{FUN}.
  Normally, a matrix with \code{m} rows and \code{choose(n,m)} columns.
  If \code{simplify=FALSE} a list is returned instead, with 
  \code{choose(n,m)} elements.  If \code{FUN} is supplied then the
  results of calling the function replace the combinations.
\note{This is similar to the R function \code{combn}.  However,
  this version returns a list if simplification is not possible, e.g.
  because the \code{FUN} returns objects with varying lengths.
\seealso{ \code{\link{combinations}} is used to create the combinations.
  It is faster to call function directly (note that it gives the combinations
  in a different order).
  \code{\link{sapply}} is used when \code{FUN} is supplied.
combn(5, 3)
combinations(5, 3)
combn(letters[1:5], 3)
combn(5, 3, simplify = FALSE)
combn(5, 3, FUN = max)
\keyword{ math }

<!doctype s-function-doc system "s-function-doc.dtd" [
<!entity % S-OLD "INCLUDE">

Generate combinations of m elements out of x

Generate all combinations of <code>m</code> elements out of <code>x</code> or
<code>1:n</code>, and optionally apply a function to each, and return
a list or simplify to a matrix or array.

combn(x, m, FUN = NULL, simplify = TRUE, ...)

The case where <code>FUN</code> is supplied are handled by calling
<s-function name="sapply">sapply</s-function>, so <code>...</code>
should not include argument to <s-function name="sapply">sapply</s-function> &ndash; in particular avoid
<code>X</code> and <code>FUN</code>.

Normally, a matrix with <code>m</code> rows and <code>choose(n,m)</code> columns.
If <code>simplify=FALSE</code> a list is returned instead, with 
<code>choose(n,m)</code> elements.  If <code>FUN</code> is supplied then the
results of calling the function replace the combinations.

<s-section name="NOTE">
This is similar to the R function <code>combn</code>.  However,
this version returns a list if simplification is not possible, e.g.
because the <code>FUN</code> returns objects with varying lengths.


.\" -*- nroff -*- generated from .Rd format
.de PF
.ne 2
.ft 3
.de FP
.ne 2
.ft 1
.FN combn
Generate combinations of m elements out of x
Generate all combinations of 'm' elements out of 'x' or
'1:n', and optionally apply a function to each, and return
a list or simplify to a matrix or array.

combn(x, m, FUN = NULL, simplify = TRUE, ...)

Normally, a matrix with 'm' rows and 'choose(n,m)' columns.
If 'simplify=FALSE' a list is returned instead, with 
'choose(n,m)' elements.  If 'FUN' is supplied then the
results of calling the function replace the combinations.
The case where 'FUN' is supplied are handled by calling
'sapply', so '\&...'
should not include argument to 'sapply' - in particular avoid
'X' and 'FUN'.Note
This is similar to the R function 'combn'.  However,
this version returns a list if simplification is not possible, e.g.
because the 'FUN' returns objects with varying lengths.

.KW math

--please do not edit the information below--

 platform = i686-pc-linux-gnu
 arch = i686
 os = linux-gnu
 system = i686, linux-gnu
 status = 
 major = 2
 minor = 4.1
 year = 2006
 month = 12
 day = 18
 svn rev = 40228
 language = R
 version.string = R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18)


Search Path:
 .GlobalEnv, package:combinat, package:stats, package:graphics, package:grDevices, package:utils, package:datasets, package:methods, Autoloads, package:base

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