[Rd] unwarranted warning from hist.default (PR#9356)

cig32650 at syd.odn.ne.jp cig32650 at syd.odn.ne.jp
Thu Nov 16 14:41:51 CET 2006

 > There's a stop
 > list coded by
 >         nf <- nf[is.na(match(nf, c("x", "breaks", "freq", "nclass",
 >             "plot", "probability")))]
 > and I think the problem is just that "include.lowest" should have  
 > on the list.

I think that "right" should have been on the list, too.
Refer to the following examples.
The argument "right"fulfills the role.

 > set.seed(12345)
 > x <- rbinom(1000, 50, 0.3)

 > hist(x, right=FALSE, plot=FALSE)$counts
[1]   5  36  81 182 238 234 140  63  21
Warning message:
argument erightf is not made use of in: hist.default(x, right =  
FALSE, plot = FALSE)

 > hist(x, right=TRUE, plot=FALSE)$counts
[1]  22  51 131 218 243 197  94  35   9
Warning message:
argument erightf is not made use of in: hist.default(x, right =  
TRUE, plot = FALSE)

 > hist(x, plot=FALSE)$counts
[1]  22  51 131 218 243 197  94  35   9

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