[Rd] UseMethod infelicity
Henrik Bengtsson
henrikb at braju.com
Mon May 22 19:36:54 CEST 2006
On 5/20/06, Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> Here are three examples where this matters, and I think the bug is
> elsewhere!
> 1) Package accuracy does
> ZeligHooks<-function (...) {
> if (exists(".simHooked",envir=.GlobalEnv)) {
> return(TRUE)
> }
> origsim=get("sim",envir=as.environment("package:Zelig"))
> sim.replacement=function (object, x, ...) {
> if (inherits(object,"sensitivity")) {
> psim(object,x,...)
> } else {
> origsim(object,x,...)
> }
> }
> assignInNamespace("sim",sim.replacement,"Zelig")
> unlockBinding("sim",as.environment("package:Zelig"))
> assign("sim",sim.replacement, envir=as.environment("package:Zelig"))
> assign("sim",sim.replacement, envir=.GlobalEnv)
> assign(".simHooked",TRUE,envir=.GlobalEnv)
> }
> Now, origsim() becomes a generic calling "sim", with defining environment
> namespace:Zelig. However, sim in namespace:Zelig has been altered to be a
> new function, whose enclosure is not namespace:Zelig and hence cannot see
> the methods registered on the original sim() in namespace:Zelig. I think
> that is the correct behaviour (the new sim might have nothing to do with
> the old one). The fix would appear to be to set the environment of the
> replacement to namespace:Zelig, but then origsim will not be visible from
> sim.
> Note that the package writes in the workspace and clobbers any object
> called 'sim' there. Surely a less intrusive solution is needed?
> There's a similar (maybe the same) problem in package VDCutil.
> 2) Package arules fails its tests. The problem is in Matrix:
> > base::as.matrix
> function (x)
> UseMethod("as.matrix")
> <environment: namespace:base>
> > library(Matrix)
> > base::as.matrix
> standardGeneric for "as.matrix" defined from package "base"
> function (x)
> standardGeneric("as.matrix")
> <environment: 0x1453cc8>
> Methods may be defined for arguments: x
> Now is converting to an S4 generic *not* supposed to alter the function in
> the original package/namespace? It does not do it if I do it by hand:
> > setClass("foo", "numeric")
> [1] "foo"
> > setMethod("as.matrix", "foo", function(x) x)
> Creating a new generic function for 'as.matrix' in '.GlobalEnv'
> [1] "as.matrix"
> > base::as.matrix
> function (x)
> UseMethod("as.matrix")
> <environment: namespace:base>
> and this looks like a bug.
> 3) Package R.oo has things like UseMethod("$") whereas this is documented
> to work for functions (not operators). This is unnecessary ($ does
> internal dispatch) and the existing code is getting the wrong defining
> environment (and although I've reinstated this as a workaround, I think it
> should be an error).
First, when coding I treat operators as being functions. I think this
is valid, cf. "Except for the syntax, there is no difference between
applying an operator and calling a function. In fact, x + y can
equivalently be written "+"(x, y). Notice that since + is a
non-standard function name, it needs to be quoted." (R Language
Second, I went to look at my code, and I found an old note of mine
saying "get("$")(x, name)" won't work. At the time, I never tried to
figure out why. However, if I try that, or "$"(x, name) the name of
the 'name' argument becomes "name" (through some internal substitute()
I believe). Example in R v2.3.0 patched (2006-04-28) on WinXP:
o <- structure(1, class="A")
"$.A" <- function(x, name) { cat("$.A(x,", name, ")\n") }
"[[.A" <- function(x, name) { UseMethod("$") }
o[["a"]] # gives $.A(x, a ) as wanted
"[[.A" <- function(x, name) { "$"(x, name) }
o[["a"]] # gives $.A(x, name )!
Same for:
"[[.A" <- function(x, name) { .Primitive("$")(x, name) }
o[["a"]] # $.A(x, name )
"[[.A" <- function(x, name) { get("$")(x, name) }
o[["a"]] # $.A(x, name )
I expected/hoped that 'name' would equal "a". Bug?
A workaround is to use do.call();
"[[.A" <- function(x, name) { do.call("$", arg=list(x, name)) }
o[["a"]] # $.A(x, a )
However, I would prefer not use do.call() because that adds quite a
extra overhead.
I guess I didn't understand the problem last time, which is also why I
went for UseMethod("$").
> Aargh ... fixing one bug is not supposed to uncover three others.
One less for your update, but a new one in the old code.
> On Fri, 19 May 2006, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> > If I do
> >
> >> example(lm)
> > ...
> >> mycoef <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("coef", object)
> >> mycoef(lm.D9)
> > Error in mycoef(lm.D9) : no applicable method for "coef"
> >
> > which is pretty surprising, as coef has a default method.
> >
> > After a bit of digging, this comes from do_usemethod having
> >
> > defenv = environment where the generic was defined */
> > defenv = ENCLOS(env);
> >
> > so it is assuming that UseMethod() is called within the defining generic
> > for its first argument. That plainly does not need to be true, e.g.
> >
> >> coefficients
> > function (object, ...)
> > UseMethod("coef")
> > <environment: namespace:stats>
> >
> > It is clear to me that we need to search for 'generic' and find its
> > defining environment rather than that of the current caller. It is not
> > entirely clear where to search from as I think we need to avoid
> >
> > mycoef <- function(x)
> > {
> > mycoef <- function(x) stop("not this one")
> > UseMethod("mycoef")
> > }
> >
> > so I used ENCLOS(env).
> >
> > This adds some overhead, hopefully no more than searching for methods.
> >
> > BTW, I noticed that R_LookupMethod uses findVar, that is looks for any
> > object not for functions: that must be another infelicity.
> >
> >
> --
> Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
> Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
> University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
> 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
> Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595
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