[Rd] ssize_t not defined in sockconn.c (PR#8889)

MSchwartz at mn.rr.com MSchwartz at mn.rr.com
Mon May 22 14:46:39 CEST 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 14:18 +0200, wade.rogers at ciradiscovery.com wrote:
> Problem:
> Build of R failed when compiling sockconn.c.  The problem seemed to be
> that ssize_t was not defined.
> The following change in sock.h fixes the problem, though it's probably
> not fixed the _right_ way.
> /* Following line changed by WTR (Cira) to overcome make problem.
> #if defined Win32 && !defined _SSIZE_T_
> typedef int ssize_t;
> #endif
> */
> typedef int ssize_t;
> Thanks!
> Wade

This has been reported at least three times previously and has already
been fixed in 2.3.0patched and 2.3.1Beta by Prof. Ripley.

It is an issue with older Linux distro headers, having been confirmed on
both RH 8.0 and RH 9. Are you using either one of those, which you did
not indicate?  If so, please consider updating your system as well.

You can get the Beta tarball from:


Please review the list archives and existing bug reports before filing a
new one.

Marc Schwartz

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