[Rd] Run t-test on multiple time series

Bernzweig, Bruce (Exchange) bbernzwe at bear.com
Fri Mar 31 18:23:52 CEST 2006

I have two sets of time-series that I imported from Excel using RODBC
and placed in

"securities" and "factors".


What I need to do is generate t-scores for each security-factor pair.


I tried the following:


    t1 <- t.test(securities[,3:42], factors[,2:41], var.equal=TRUE)


However, this gives me just a single t-score.  Note: the numeric values
that I need are in indices 3 to 42 for securities and 2 to 41 for


I'm pretty new with R so I was wondering if I could use something
similar to the following where I can run some function that would
calculate against all values (all meaning each security or each factor):


> x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

> y <- x+1

> y

  [1] 2 3 4 5 6


Or do I need to iterate through the list of securities and factors and
generate a t-score for each pair one at a time?




- Bruce



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