[Rd] Running R on dual/quad Opteron machines

Simone Giannerini sgiannerini at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 09:59:13 CET 2006

Ok thanks, I am wondering whether running multiple instances of R
would be possible without problems in presence of compiled code
(shared libraries).
Intuitively, while there can be multiple instances of R, all of them
would be using the same library, but I am just guessing, I might do a
check on this.



> And let me couch my earlier statements on snow/Rmpi by saying that we use
> these tools on a relatively large beowulf cluster (~200 nodes), which is
> somewhat different than a single box with 2-4 processors, so it is may not
> be worth the trouble outside of a cluster environment.  For example, we have
> not moved to using Rmpi/snow on our dual-processor G5s because the speed
> gain just isn't worth the extra installation trouble, etc.
> Sean


Simone Giannerini
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"
Universita' di Bologna
Via delle belle arti 41 - 40126  Bologna,  ITALY
Tel: +39 051 2098248  Fax: +39 051 232153
E-mail: giannerini at stat.unibo.it

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