[Rd] '...' passed to both plot() and legend()

Dimitris Rizopoulos dimitris.rizopoulos at med.kuleuven.be
Thu Mar 2 13:54:09 CET 2006

Dear R-devels,

I'd like to create a plot method for a class of objects that passes 
the '...' argument to both plot() and legend(), e.g.,

x <- list(data = rnorm(1000))
class(x) <- "foo"
plot.foo <- function(x, legend = FALSE, cx = "topright", cy = NULL, 
    dx <- sort(x$data)
    plot(dx, dnorm(dx), type = "l", ...)
    if (legend)
        legend(cx, cy, "Gaussian density", bty = "n", ...)
plot(x, legend = TRUE, cex = 1.1)

However, and as expected, if I use an argument of plot() that is not 
an argument of legend() an error occurs, e.g.,

plot(x, legend = TRUE, cex.lab = 1.1)

Is there any (efficient and appropriate) way that I could use the 
'...' argument in this case?

> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch     i386
os       mingw32
system   i386, mingw32
major    2
minor    2.1
year     2005
month    12
day      20
svn rev  36812
language R

Thanks in advance for any hints,

Dimitris Rizopoulos
Ph.D. Student
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven

Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32/(0)16/336899
Fax: +32/(0)16/337015
Web: http://www.med.kuleuven.be/biostat/

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