[Rd] Idempotent apply
hadley wickham
h.wickham at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 09:50:09 CEST 2006
Dear all,
I have been working on an idempotent version of apply, such that
applying a function f(x) = x (ie. force) returns the same array (or a
permutation of it depending on the order of the margins):
a <- array(1:27, c(2,3,4))
all.equal(a, iapply(a, 1, force))
all.equal(a, iapply(a, 1:2, force))
all.equal(a, iapply(a, 1:3, force))
all.equal(aperm(a, c(2,1,3)), iapply(a, 2, force))
all.equal(aperm(a, c(3,1,2)), iapply(a, 3, force))
I have also generalised apply so that the function can return an array
of any dimension and it will be slotted in orthogonally to the
existing dimensions:
iapply(a, 1, min)
iapply(a, 2, min)
iapply(a, 3, min)
iapply(a, 1, range)
iapply(a, 2, range)
iapply(a, 3, range)
I have included my code below. I'd be interested to get your feedback on:
* whether you can find an edge case where it doesn't work
* how I can make the subsetting code more elegant - the current
kludgework of do.call seems to be suboptimal, but I couldn't figure
out a better way
* I was also suprised that a & b display differently in this example:
a <- b <- as.array(1:3)
dim(b) <- c(3,1)
Any other comments are very much appreciated!
iapply <- function(x, margins=1, fun, ..., REDUCE=TRUE) {
if (!is.array(x)) x <- as.array(x)
reorder <- c(margins, (1:length(dim(x)))[-margins])
x <- aperm(x, (reorder))
x <- compactify(x, length(margins))
results <- lapply(x, fun, ...)
dim(results) <- dim(x)
results <- decompactify(results)
if (REDUCE) reduce(results) else results
vdim <- function(x) if (is.vector(x)) length(x) else dim(x)
# Compacts an array into a smaller array of lists containing the
remaining dimensions
compactify <- function(x, dims = 1) {
d <- dim(x)
ds <- seq(along=d)
margins <- 1:dims
subsets <- do.call(expand.grid, structure(lapply(d[margins], seq,
from=1), names=margins))
subsets[, ds[-margins]] <- TRUE
res <- lapply(1:nrow(subsets), function(i) do.call("[",c(list(x),
subsets[i, ], drop=TRUE)))
dim(res) <- dim(x)[margins]
# Inverse of compactity
decompactify <- function(x) {
subsets <- do.call(expand.grid, structure(lapply(dim(x), seq, from=1)))
subsets <- cbind(subsets, x=matrix(TRUE, ncol=length(vdim(x[[1]])),
y <- array(NA, c(vdim(x), vdim(x[[1]])))
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
y <- do.call("[<-",c(list(y), unname(subsets[i, ]), value = list(x[[i]])))
reduce <- function(x) {
do.call("[", c(list(x), lapply(dim(x), function(x) if (x==1) 1 else
T), drop=TRUE))
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