[Rd] R and ACML

Evan Cooch evan.cooch at cornell.edu
Mon Jul 24 19:42:16 CEST 2006

While I recently received some very helpful files and email from Kevin 
Hendricks for compiling with ATLAS, thought I'd first have a stab at 
ACML. Having problems, which I suspect are trivial to solve:

1. machine is running RHEL 4, meaning, it uses gcc 3.4.5 out of the box, 
and g77. In my experience, over-riding RHEL's choice, and manually 
upgrading to gcc 4.x.x (and, as a consequence gfortran) will cause 
problems in other areas (but, if other's have done it successfully, with 
no problems, I'd be willing to try).

2. machine has multiple CPU's (Opteron 880's) - meaning (based on ACML 
docs), I *should* download and install gfortran64 (which has mp 
support). However, I don't have gfortran, so...what about 32-bit? Same 
problem - mp requires gfortran. Hmmm

3. so, download and install gnu64 version of ACML, which is intended for 
a single processor (ok, so I guess this means I won't be threading jobs 
over multiple CPU's...fine). Everything installs into  

4. need to fix up library path. Working in a bash shell, so


Check env - everything seems fine - LD_LIBRARY_PATH is there, and 
correctly specified

5. cd to R source dir, and run

./configure --with-blas="-lacml"

configure runs fine, except that ACML isn't built-in to R, based on the 
configure output:

C compiler:     gcc  -g -02  -std=gnu99
Fortran 77 compiler:   g77-g -02

C++ compiler:   g++  -g -02
Fortran 90/95 compiler:   g77 -g -02

Interfaces supported:   X11
External libraries:   readline

etc. etc.

So, readline is the only external library.

6. ok, look at config.log, Following line looks suspicious:

/usr/bin/ld:  cannot find -lacml

7. one final attempt:

./configure --with-blas="-L/opt/acml3.5.0/gnu64/lib -lacml"

No change - readline is still the only

 Evan Cooch                          e.mail: evan.cooch at cornell.edu
 Department of Natural Resources     voice: 607-255-1368
 Fernow Hall - Cornell University    FAX: 607-255-0349
 Ithaca, NY    14853                 http://canuck.dnr.cornell.edu
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