[Rd] Using substitute from inside an S4 method
Seth Falcon
sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Wed Jan 25 20:55:28 CET 2006
Hi all,
I would like to access the name of a variable passed to an S4 method.
For a function, I would do this:
f <- function(x) as.character(substitute(x))
This also works for a the examples I have tried for methods that do
not have extra, non-dispatch args:
setGeneric("A", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("A"))
setMethod("A", signature(x="character"),
function(x) as.character(substitute(x)))
However, I'm seeing strange behavior if the method uses an extra
setMethod("A", signature(x="numeric"),
function(x, y) as.character(substitute(x)))
num <- 1
[1] "x"
A(num, 2)
[1] "x"
Is there a way to make this work? I came up with one workaround that
uses a non-standard generic (see below).
It seems that when a method uses extra args matching '...' in the
generic, an extra frame is used in the evaluation and so substitute()
isn't reaching the same place as without extra args.
Thanks in advance for pointers to doc or suggestions.
+ seth
## here is a non-standard generic that gives me the behavior I want
setGeneric("B", function(x, ...) {
x.name <- as.character(substitute(x))
setMethod("B", signature(x="character"),
function(x, y) {
penv <- sys.frames()
penv <- penv[[length(penv)-2]]
get("x.name", envir=penv)
Observation: Without an extra arg in the method, the appropriate
environment would be penv[[length(penv) - 1]], but the presence of the
extra arg results in an extra environment in the evaluation, hence we
need -2.
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