[Rd] proposed pbirthday fix

Ken Knoblauch knoblauch at lyon.inserm.fr
Mon Jan 23 01:18:54 CET 2006

Recent news articles concerning an article from The Lancet with fabricated
data indicate
that in the sample containing some 900 or so patients, more than 200 had
the same
birthday.  I was curious and tried out the p and q birthday functions but
could not handle 250 coincidences with n = 1000.  The calculation of upper
to using uniroot produces NaN,


I was able to get it to work by using logs, however, as in the following

function(n, classes = 365, coincident = 2){
    k <- coincident
    c <- classes
    if (coincident < 2) return(1)
    if (coincident > n) return(0)
    if (n > classes * (coincident - 1)) return(1)
    eps <- 1e-14
    if (qbirthday(1 - eps, classes, coincident) <= n)
        return(1 - eps)
    f <- function(p) qbirthday(p, c, k) - n
    lower <- 0
    upper <- min( exp( k * log(n) - (k-1) * log(c) ), 1 )
    nmin <- uniroot(f, c(lower, upper), tol = eps)


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