[Rd] Multiplication (PR#8466)

casella@stat.ufl.edu casella at stat.ufl.edu
Sat Jan 7 13:47:09 CET 2006


Herve Pages wrote:

> Thomas Lumley wrote:
>> On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, casella at stat.ufl.edu wrote:
>>> hi - in version 2.1 the command
>>>> -2^2
>>> gives
>>> -4
>>> as the answer.  (-2)^2 is evaluated correctly.
>> So is -2^2.  The precedence of ^ is higher than that of unary minus. 
>> It may be surprising, but it *is* documented and has been in S for a 
>> long time.
>>     -thomas
> No, it's not surprising. At least to me...
> In the country where I grew up, I've been teached that -x^2 means -(x^2)
> not (-x)^2 ;-)
> H.

George Casella                  	Phone: (352) 392-1941 Ext. 204
Distinguished Professor and Chair	Cell:  (352) 682-7210
Department of Statistics  		Fax:   (352) 392-5175
University of Florida           	Email: casella at stat.ufl.edu
P.O. Box 118545
Gainesville, FL 32611-8545

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