[Rd] Utilizing the internet module

Jeffrey Horner jeff.horner at vanderbilt.edu
Thu Feb 23 18:07:55 CET 2006

Hello all,

I'd like to utilize the R_Sock* functions from R_ext/R-ftp-http.h in my 
R package. The intent is to use these in conjunction with R_serialize() 
  to store R objects in a remote data store. I'm aware that version 
2.2.1 of "Writing R extensions" explains that these may be undocumented 
and unstable, but I have a couple of questions:

1) are they platform independent? I presume they are...

2) What's the appropriate way to link against them? On Linux x86, I can 
do this with the Makevars:


but that doesn't work on Mac OS X 10.3.9 powerpc G4:

gcc -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -L/sw/lib 
-L/usr/local/lib -o rmemcache.so rmemcache.o 
/Users/hornerjr/src/R-2.2.1/modules/internet.so -lcc_dynamic 
-L/Users/hornerjr/src/R-2.2.1/lib -lR
ld: /Users/hornerjr/src/R-2.2.1/modules/internet.so is input for the 
dynamic link editor, is not relocatable by the static link editor again

Thanks in advance,
Jeffrey Horner       Computer Systems Analyst         School of Medicine
615-322-8606         Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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