[Rd] Matrix / SparseM conflict (PR#8618)

dpleydel@univ-fcomte.fr dpleydel at univ-fcomte.fr
Mon Feb 20 14:54:53 CET 2006

Full_Name: David Pleydell
Version: 2.2.1
OS: Debian Etch
Submission from: (NULL) (

There appears to be a conflict between the chol functions from the Matrix and
the SparseM packages. chol() can only be applied to a matrix of class dspMatrix
if SparseM is not in the path.

with gratitude

> library(Matrix)
> sm <- as(as(Matrix(diag(5) + 1), "dsyMatrix"), "dspMatrix")
> chol(sm)
5 x 5 Matrix of class "pCholesky"
     [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]     
[1,] 1.4142136 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.7071068
[2,]         . 1.2247449 0.4082483 0.4082483 0.4082483
[3,]         .         . 1.1547005 0.2886751 0.2886751
[4,]         .         .         . 1.1180340 0.2236068
[5,]         .         .         .         . 1.0954451
> library(SparseM)
[1] "SparseM library loaded"
> chol(sm)
Error in chol(sm) : no applicable method for "chol"
> detach("package:SparseM")
> chol(sm)
5 x 5 Matrix of class "pCholesky"
     [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]     
[1,] 1.4142136 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.7071068
[2,]         . 1.2247449 0.4082483 0.4082483 0.4082483
[3,]         .         . 1.1547005 0.2886751 0.2886751
[4,]         .         .         . 1.1180340 0.2236068
[5,]         .         .         .         . 1.0954451

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