[Rd] R, Rcmdr crash on WinXP PRO laptop (PR#8583)

parker@quartz.gly.fsu.edu parker at quartz.gly.fsu.edu
Thu Feb 9 15:02:52 CET 2006

My system is a Dell laptop running Win XP Pro with SP2 and all current 
updates. R is version 2.2.1, Rcmdr is version 1.1-6 (also happens with 1.1-5).

First attempt to import data from text file (in Rcmdr) works correctly with 
no errors or warnings. Second, third or fourth attempt to load same data or 
a similar dataset will cause all R windows, including Rcmdr and R console 
windows, to disappear when cursor is placed over data file icon in file 
selection window. Although R appears to have crashed and exited, use of the 
Windows taskmanager reveals that Rgui is still an active process consuming 
99% of cpu. Each subsequent reload and crash of R will yield another Rgui 
process, until the system slows to a halt (or I manually delete the Rgui 
processes). System and Application event viewers show no errors or warnings.

Same R and Rcmdr installed on a Dell Dimension desktop with Windows 2000, 
SP4, all current updates, does not exhibit this problem.

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.


Bill Parker

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