[Rd] Problem installing MinGW 5.0.3: Your internet connection seems to be not permitted or dropped out!

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Thu Dec 21 22:07:04 CET 2006

Hi, All: 

      I'm having trouble installing MinGW 5.0.3, trying to follow Duncan 
Murdoch's suggestions (http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools/).  I 
download "MinGW-5.0.3.exe" as he suggested.  After double-clicking on 
it, I get past "Welcome to MinGW" and select either "Download and 
install" or "Download only" and choose to install "Current".  Whether I 
select only "MinGW base tools" or that plus "g++" and "g77" compilers, I 
get the following error message while "Downloading 

      "InetClinet plug-in:  Your internet connection seems to be not 
permitted or dropped out!  Please reconnect and click Retry to resume 

      After clicking "cancel", I got the following error message: 

downloading mingw-runtime-3.10.tar.gz
SendRequest Error
Could not download 

      I got this on two computers, one running Windows 2000 server and 
the other using Windows XP 5.1, Service Pack 2. 

      What do you suggest I try to get past this? 
      Spencer Graves

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