[Rd] R-Project logo in SVG format

friedrich.leisch at stat.uni-muenchen.de friedrich.leisch at stat.uni-muenchen.de
Thu Aug 31 15:52:48 CEST 2006

> Hi,
> I'm looking for a version of the R-Project logo in SVG format.  I've found
> the bitmapped versions,
>  	http://developer.r-project.org/Logo/
> but would prefer a scalable version as it usually looks better when
> printed.
> Where may I find one?

After you created one and submitted it to us probably at the same place as
the bitmaps. In the meantime it will have to suffice that you use all we
have, and that are the bitmaps (the logo was done by a volunteer who chose
to use a bitmapped graphics program). It is not like we keep the good
stuff back on purpose ...


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