[Rd] 'CanMakeUseOf' field

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Thu Aug 31 12:41:33 CEST 2006

On 8/31/2006 3:40 AM, Martin Maechler wrote:
>>>>>> "Seth" == Seth Falcon <sfalcon at fhcrc.org>
>>>>>>     on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 07:06:24 -0700 writes:
>     Seth> Kurt Hornik <Kurt.Hornik at wu-wien.ac.at> writes:
>     >> An internal environment variable called
>     >> 
>     >> 
>     >> which controls this has been in place for quite some time now.  One can
>     >> trivially add a Perl R CMD check configure variable for it.  I am a bit
>     >> hesitant to add a --force-suggests cola to R CMD check, as this
>     >> hardwires a legacy dependency model which may not be up to future needs.
>     >> 
>     >> As an aside, I have never understood whe developers have need for such
>     >> an option (as I would have assumed that they'd typically try to check
>     >> all of their code).
>     Seth> This is not an aside, but the heart of the issue IMHO :-)
>     Seth> One case in which checking Suggests does not make sense is when a
>     Seth> package provides optional functionality that is platform specific.  A
>     Seth> given Suggests entry may only be available on platform A, but it still
>     Seth> is desirable to check the package on platform B.  Similar issues can
>     Seth> arise during development when a given Suggests entry stops working
>     Seth> with R-devel.
>     Seth> Further, if an item in Suggests means it is optional, then one
>     Seth> _should_ test that by testing the package without the optional packge
>     Seth> being available.  There are a few ways for a true dependency to sneak
>     Seth> into the code.  So I agree that typically developers want to test all
>     Seth> of their code, but that implies being able to check a package without
>     Seth> its Suggests being available (I realize this may be hard to implement,
>     Seth> but easily having R CMD check ignore Suggests is a good start).
>     Seth> And lastly, Suggests is currently used to list packages used for
>     Seth> extended examples in package vignettes and being able to easily
>     Seth> perform all other checks makes sense to me.
> Very good points, thanks.
> I think it's clear that some R developers see a clear need for
> this and their (our) output would be enhanced by such a very
> small addition --- it would probably only be a small addition
> addition to the "Writing R Extension" manual for the moment.
> I don't understand why some developers have such a resistance
> to allow one other such keyword.

My objection is that adding a keyword that people don't understand will 
lead to inconsistent use and confusion.  It will make "Writing R 
Extensions" harder to read, and packages harder to write.

I could be wrong that your proposal is one that won't be understood. 
Could you post a proposed revision to the docs that describes it?

Duncan Murdoch

> Dirk mentioned 'Enhances'  --- something which I could also live
> with instead of 'CanUse' -- I just to be generous
> with myself (as package author) in my interpretation of
> "enhancing" :-)
> Those developers who cannot remember disambiguating more than
> one field for 'optional' are well allowed to keep using just
> one, i.e., 'Suggests'. 
> But others who want to be more precise and or want to better expose
> (via DESCRIPTION) what they do anyway
> (via 'if(require(*)) { .. }') inside their code, examples, and
> or vignettes would just converge on *how* the new field should
> be baptized. 
> Since 'R CMD check' is not affected, there's no other
> consequence for any package writer.
> Having a much more expressive scheme, namely also specifying where
> and how the 'canUse' packages are made use of,
> could be even more useful.
> However, given the overall reactions and the average package
> writer's inertia or even "I don't want to have to know this as
> well, I just want my package out" mind set -- which can
> perfectly make sense, BTW --
> I think we should strive for Einstein's
> "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler"
> here.
> I'd really like to conclude this thread or at least concentrate
> on the "how" rather than the "do we need this at all?" part.
> Martin
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