[Rd] From Mr Dennis (PR#9141)

dens0009 at yahoo.com.hk dens0009 at yahoo.com.hk
Sat Aug 12 11:05:07 CEST 2006

GOod Day=2C
My name is Mr Dennis Stevenson=2Can executive Auditor of  bank of =

Scotland=2CUnited Kingdom=2E =

I want to make a transfer of money involving (=A315=2C000=2C000=2E00) (F=
ifteen-million pounds sterlings)=2EI am proposing to make this transfer =
to any  bank account of your choice=2E For your help and support in this=
 transfer of money=2C you will have 45=25 share of the total amount afte=
r the transfer must have been successfully concluded=2E
Kindly reply me stating your interest=2C and I shall furnish you with th=
e =

details and necessary proceedure with which to make the transfer=2E I =

anxiously await your response=2E

Sincerely yours=2C
Dennis Stevenson
Reply through My private =3Cdennistevenson=40yahoo=2Eco=2Euk=3E

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