[Rd] Return function from function with minimal environment

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Tue Apr 4 16:29:59 CEST 2006

On Tue, 4 Apr 2006, Henrik Bengtsson wrote:

> Hi,
> this relates to the question "How to set a former environment?" asked
> yesterday.  What is the best way to to return a function with a
> minimal environment from a function? Here is a dummy example:
> foo <- function(huge) {
>  scale <- mean(huge)
>  function(x) { scale * x }
> }
> fcn <- foo(1:10e5)
> The problem with this approach is that the environment of 'fcn' does
> not only hold 'scale' but also the memory consuming object 'huge',
> i.e.
> env <- environment(fcn)
> ll(envir=env)  # ll() from R.oo
> #   member data.class dimension object.size
> # 1   huge    numeric   1000000     4000028
> # 2  scale    numeric         1          36
> save(env, file="temp.RData")
> file.info("temp.RData")$size
> # [1] 2007624
> I generate quite a few of these and my 'huge' objects are of order
> 100Mb, and I want to keep memory usage as well as file sizes to a
> minimum.  What I do now, is to remove variable from the local
> environment of 'foo' before returning, i.e.
> foo2 <- function(huge) {
>  scale <- mean(huge)
>  rm(huge)
>  function(x) { scale * x }
> }
> fcn <- foo2(1:10e5)
> env <- environment(fcn)
> ll(envir=env)
> #   member data.class dimension object.size
> # 1  scale    numeric         1          36
> save(env, file="temp.RData")
> file.info("temp.RData")$size
> # [1] 156
> Since my "foo" functions are complicated and contains many local
> variables, it becomes tedious to identify and remove all of them, so
> instead I try:
> foo3 <- function(huge) {
>  scale <- mean(huge);
>  env <- new.env();
>  assign("scale", scale, envir=env);
>  bar <- function(x) { scale * x };
>  environment(bar) <- env;
>  bar;
> }
> fcn <- foo3(1:10e5)
> But,
> env <- environment(fcn)
> save(env, file="temp.RData");
> file.info("temp.RData")$size
> # [1] 2007720
> When I try to set the parent environment of 'env' to emptyenv(), it
> does not work, e.g.
> fcn(2)
> # Error in fcn(2) : attempt to apply non-function
> but with the new.env(parent=baseenv()) it works fine. The "base"
> environment has the empty environment as a parent.  So, I try to do
> the same myself, i.e. new.env(parent=new.env(parent=emptyenv())), but
> once again I get

I don't think you want to remove baseenv() from the environment. If you 
do, no functions from baseenv will be visible inside fcn. These include 
"{" and "*", which are necessary for your function. I think the error 
message comes from being unable to find "{".

Also, there is no memory use from having baseenv in the environment, since 
all the objects in baseenv are always present.


Thomas Lumley			Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu	University of Washington, Seattle

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