[Rd] plot(<lm>): new behavior in R-2.2.0 alpha

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Tue Sep 13 16:17:45 CEST 2005

As some of you R-devel readers may know, the plot() method for
"lm" objects is based in large parts on contributions by John
Maindonald, subsequently "massaged" by me and other R-core

In the statistics litterature on applied regression, people have
had  diverse oppinions on what (and how many!) plots should be
used for goodness-of-fit / residual diagnostics, and to my
knowledge most people have agreed to want to see one (or more)
version of a Tukey-Anscombe plot {Residuals ~ Fitted} and a QQ
normal plot.
Another consideration was to be somewhat close to what S
(S-plus) was doing.  So we have two versions of residuals vs
fitted, one for checking  E[error] = 0, the other for checking 
Var[error] = constant.  So we got to the first three plots of
plot.lm() about which I don't want to debate at the moment
{though, there's room for improvement even there: e.g., I know of at
 least one case where plot(<lm>) wasn't used because the user
 was missing the qqline() she was so used to in the QQ plot}

The topic of this e-mail is the (default) 4th plot which I had
changed; really prompted by the following:
More than three months ago, John wrote
    (which became a thread of about 20 messages, from Apr.23 -- 29, 2005)

and currently, 
NEWS for R 2.2.0 alpha contains

>>    o plot(<lm object>) uses a new default for the fourth panel when
>>      'which' is not specified.
>>      ___ may change before release ___

and the header is

plot.lm <- 
function (x, which = c(1:3, 5), 
          caption = c("Residuals vs Fitted", 
	              "Normal Q-Q", "Scale-Location", 
		      "Cook's distance", "Residuals vs Leverage", 
		      "Cook's distance vs Leverage"), 
	   ......... ) {..............}

So we now have 6 possible plots, where 1,2,3 and 5 are the
defaults (and 1,2,3,4 where the old defaults).

For the influential points and combination of 'influential' and 'outlier'
there have been quite a few more proposals in the past. R <= 2.1.x
has been plotting the  Cook's distances vs. observation number, whereas
quite a few people in the past have noted that all influence
measures being more or less complicated functions of residuals
and "hat values" aka "leverages", (R_i, h_{ii}), it would really
make sense and fit more to the other plots
to plot residuals vs. Leverages --- with the additional idea of
adding *contours* of (equal) Cook's distances to that plot, in
case one would really want to seem them.

In the mean time, this has been *active* in R-devel for quite a
while, and we haven't received any new comments.

One remaining problem I'd like to address is the "balanced AOV"
situation, something probably pretty rare nowadays in real
practice, but common of course in teaching ANOVA.
As you may remember, in a balanced design, all observations have
the same leverages h_{ii}, and the plot  R_i  vs  h_ii is really
not so useful.  In that case,  the cook distances CD_i = c *  R_i ^2
and so  CD_i  vs  i {the old "4-th plot in plot.lm"} is
graphically identical to   R_i^2 vs i.
Now in that case (of identical h_ii's), I think one would really
want  "R_i  vs  i".

Question to the interested parties:

  Should there be an automatism
	 ``when h_ii == const''  {"==" with a bit of numerical fuzz}
  plot a)  R_i   vs i
  or   b)  CD_i  vs i

or should users have to manually use
    plot(<lm>,  which=1:4, ...)
in such a case?

Feedback very welcome, 
particularly, you first look at the examples in help(plot.lm) 
in *R-devel* aka R-2.2.0 alpha.

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

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