[Rd] unvectorized option for outer()

Tony Plate tplate at acm.org
Fri Oct 28 23:13:52 CEST 2005

[following on from a thread on R-help, but my post here seems more 
appropriate to R-devel]

Would a patch to make outer() work with non-vectorized functions be
considered?  It seems to come up moderately often on the list, which
probably indicates that many many people get bitten by the same
incorrect expectation, despite the documentation and the FAQ entry.  It
looks pretty simple to modify outer() appropriately: one extra function
argument and an if-then-else clause to call mapply(FUN, ...) instead of
calling FUN directly.

Here's a function demonstrating this:

outer2 <- function (X, Y, FUN = "*", ..., VECTORIZED=TRUE)
     no.nx <- is.null(nx <- dimnames(X <- as.array(X)))
     dX <- dim(X)
     no.ny <- is.null(ny <- dimnames(Y <- as.array(Y)))
     dY <- dim(Y)
     if (is.character(FUN) && FUN == "*") {
         robj <- as.vector(X) %*% t(as.vector(Y))
         dim(robj) <- c(dX, dY)
     else {
         FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
         Y <- rep(Y, rep.int(length(X), length(Y)))
         if (length(X) > 0)
             X <- rep(X, times = ceiling(length(Y)/length(X)))
         if (VECTORIZED)
             robj <- FUN(X, Y, ...)
             robj <- mapply(FUN, X, Y, MoreArgs=list(...))
         dim(robj) <- c(dX, dY)
     if (no.nx)
         nx <- vector("list", length(dX))
     else if (no.ny)
         ny <- vector("list", length(dY))
     if (!(no.nx && no.ny))
         dimnames(robj) <- c(nx, ny)
# Some examples
f <- function(x, y, p=1) {cat("in f\n"); (x*y)^p}
outer2(1:2, 3:5, f, 2)
outer2(numeric(0), 3:5, f, 2)
outer2(1:2, numeric(0), f, 2)
outer2(1:2, 3:5, f, 2, VECTORIZED=F)
outer2(numeric(0), 3:5, f, 2, VECTORIZED=F)
outer2(1:2, numeric(0), f, 2, VECTORIZED=F)

# Output on examples
> f <- function(x, y, p=1) {cat("in f\n"); (x*y)^p}
> outer2(1:2, 3:5, f, 2)
in f
      [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    9   16   25
[2,]   36   64  100
> outer2(numeric(0), 3:5, f, 2)
in f
      [,1] [,2] [,3]
> outer2(1:2, numeric(0), f, 2)
in f

> outer2(1:2, 3:5, f, 2, VECTORIZED=F)
in f
in f
in f
in f
in f
in f
      [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    9   16   25
[2,]   36   64  100
> outer2(numeric(0), 3:5, f, 2, VECTORIZED=F)
      [,1] [,2] [,3]
> outer2(1:2, numeric(0), f, 2, VECTORIZED=F)


If a patch to add this feature would be considered, I'd be happy to
submit one (including documentation).  If so, and if there are any
potential traps I should bear in mind, please let me know!

-- Tony Plate

Rau, Roland wrote:
> Dear all,
> a big thanks to Thomas Lumley, James Holtman and Tony Plate for their
> answers. They all pointed in the same direction => I need a vectorized
> function to be applied. Hence, I will try to work with a 'wrapper'
> function as described in the FAQ.
> Thanks again,
> Roland
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Thomas Lumley [mailto:tlumley at u.washington.edu] 
>>Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 11:39 PM
>>To: Rau, Roland
>>Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
>>Subject: Re: [R] outer-question
>>You want FAQ 7.17 Why does outer() behave strangely with my function?
>> 	-thomas
>>On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Rau, Roland wrote:
>>>Dear all,
>>>This is a rather lengthy message, but I don't know what I 
>>made wrong in
>>>my real example since the simple code works.
>>>I have two variables a, b and a function f for which I would like to
>>>calculate all possible combinations of the values of a and b.
>>>If f is multiplication, I would simply do:
>>>a <- 1:5
>>>b <- 1:5
>>>## A bit more complicated is this:
>>>f <- function(a,b,d) {
>>>	return(a*b+(sum(d)))
>>>additional <- runif(100)
>>>outer(X=a, Y=b, FUN=f, d=additional)
>>>## So far so good. But now my real example. I would like to plot the
>>>## log-likelihood surface for two parameters alpha and beta of
>>>## a Gompertz distribution with given data
>>>### I have a function to generate random-numbers from a
>>>### (using the 'inversion method')
>>>random.gomp <- function(n, alpha, beta) {
>>>           return( (log(1-(beta/alpha*log(1-runif(n)))))/beta)
>>>## Now I generate some 'lifetimes'
>>>no.people <- 1000
>>>al <- 0.1
>>>bet <- 0.1
>>>lifetimes <- random.gomp(n=no.people, alpha=al, beta=bet)
>>>### Since I neither have censoring nor truncation in this 
>>simple case,
>>>### the log-likelihood should be simply the sum of the log of the
>>>### the densities (following the parametrization of 
>>>### Survival Analysis, p. 38)
>>>loggomp <- function(alphas, betas, timep) {
>>> return(sum(log(alphas) + betas*timep + (alphas/betas *
>>>### Now I thought I could obtain a matrix of the 
>>log-likelihood surface
>>>### by specifying possible values for alpha and beta with the given
>>>### I was able to produce this matrix with two for-loops. 
>>But I thought
>>>### I could use also 'outer' in this case.
>>>### This is what I tried:
>>>possible.alphas <- seq(from=0.05, to=0.15, length=30)
>>>possible.betas <- seq(from=0.05, to=0.15, length=30)
>>>outer(X=possible.alphas, Y=possible.betas, FUN=loggomp, 
>>>### But the result is:
>>>>outer(X=possible.alphas, Y=possible.betas, FUN=loggomp,
>>>Error in outer(X = possible.alphas, Y = possible.betas, FUN 
>>= loggomp,
>>>       dim<- : dims [product 900] do not match the length 
>>of object [1]
>>>In addition: Warning messages:
>>>### Can somebody give me some hint where the problem is?
>>>### I checked my definition of 'loggomp' but I thought this 
>>looks fine:
>>>loggomp(alphas=possible.alphas[1], betas=possible.betas[1],
>>>loggomp(alphas=possible.alphas[4], betas=possible.betas[10],
>>>loggomp(alphas=possible.alphas[3], betas=possible.betas[11],
>>>### I'd appreciate any kind of advice.
>>>### Thanks a lot in advance.
>>>### Roland
>>>This mail has been sent through the MPI for Demographic 
>>>R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
>>>PLEASE do read the posting guide! 
>>Thomas Lumley			Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
>>tlumley at u.washington.edu	University of Washington, Seattle
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