[Rd] Packages that require other packages - How?

Roger Peng rpeng at jhsph.edu
Wed Nov 9 19:04:19 CET 2005

If I'm not mistaken, when you put the other package in the "Depends:" 
field of DESCRIPTION, the other package will be loaded first, before 
your package is loaded.  So you shouldn't have to put require/library 
anywhere else.


Gavin Simpson wrote:
> Dear list,
> The help page for library/require contains the following paragraph in
> the section "Packages that require other packages":
>      The source code for a package that requires one or more other
>      packages should have a call to 'require', preferably near the
>      beginning of the source, and of course before any code that uses
>      functions, classes or methods from the other package. 
> Now, I'm being very dense today, but I don't know where to put such a
> call to require.
> My package has added methods for a generic function supplied by another
> package. I have listed this package in the Depends field in my
> What do I need to do to have the package that my package depends on be
> attached when I call library or require to attach my package?
> Apologies for being dense...
> Thanks,
> G

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