[Rd] branch cuts in atan(), asin(), acos() (PR#7871)
r.hankin at noc.soton.ac.uk
r.hankin at noc.soton.ac.uk
Tue May 17 15:16:15 CEST 2005
On May 17, 2005, at 07:01 am, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> On Mon, 16 May 2005 r.hankin at noc.soton.ac.uk wrote:
>> The complex versions of atain(), asin(), acos() are not documented
>> except in the source
>> code.
> Thank you, but your patch does not address that so they would become
> undocumented (they no longer follow the comment in the source code,
> which BTW is regarded as documentation).
> Could you please supply documentation to match this change, including
> the exact definition you have implemented.
> Also: have you looked at atan2?
OK, this follows PR#7871, discussing branch cuts of inverse trig
In this email, I provide a context diff between complex.c (R-2.1.0) and
a version that
moves the branch cuts to the standard places. The changes are
documented in the code.
I also give updated Trig.Rd and Hyperbolic.Rd files which document the
of the new functions. R-2.1.0 passes "make check" with the new files
(after editing
Rdutils.Rd, which caused a problem).
I have not attempted to alter z_atan2(): there appear to be unrelated
issues here.
For example, atan2(0,0) gives 0 as documented, but atan2(0i,0i) gives
Also, atan2(0,1i) returns an error (I would expect a zero here too).
I feel it is better to consider z_atan2() as a separate issue. I will
file a separate bugreport
for this.
diff -c <old complex.c> <new complex.c>
*** /Users/rksh/downloads/R-2.1.0/src/main/complex.c Mon Apr 18
22:30:00 2005
--- complex.c Tue May 17 13:35:27 2005
*** 355,360 ****
--- 355,365 ----
/* Complex Arcsin and Arccos Functions */
/* Equation (4.4.37) Abramowitz and Stegun */
+ /* with additional terms to force the branch
+ /* to agree with figure 4.4, p79. Continuity */
+ /* on the branch cuts (real axis; y==0, |x| > 1) is */
+ /* standard: z_asin() is continuous from below if x >= 1 */
+ /* and continuous from above if x <= -1. */
static void z_asin(Rcomplex *r, Rcomplex *z)
*** 367,372 ****
--- 372,382 ----
bet = t1 - t2;
r->r = asin(bet);
r->i = log(alpha + sqrt(alpha*alpha - 1));
+ if(y<0 || (y==0 && x > 1)){
+ r->i *= -1;
+ }
static void z_acos(Rcomplex *r, Rcomplex *z)
*** 379,384 ****
--- 389,399 ----
/* Complex Arctangent Function */
/* Equation (4.4.39) Abramowitz and Stegun */
+ /* with additional terms to force the branch cuts */
+ /* to agree with figure 4.4, p79. Continuity */
+ /* on the branch cuts (pure imaginary axis; x==0, |y|>1) */
+ /* is standard: z_asin() is continuous from the right */
+ /* if y >= 1, and continuous from the left if y <= -1. */
static void z_atan(Rcomplex *r, Rcomplex *z)
*** 388,393 ****
--- 403,416 ----
r->r = 0.5 * atan(2 * x / ( 1 - x * x - y * y));
r->i = 0.25 * log((x * x + (y + 1) * (y + 1)) /
(x * x + (y - 1) * (y - 1)));
+ if(x*x + y*y > 1){
+ r->r += M_PI_2;
+ if(x < 0 || (x==0 && y<0)){
+ r->r -= M_PI;
+ }
+ }
static void z_atan2(Rcomplex *r, Rcomplex *csn, Rcomplex *ccs)
====FILE Hyperbolic.Rd STARTS====
\title{Hyperbolic Functions}
These functions give the obvious hyperbolic functions. They
respectively compute the hyperbolic cosine, sine, tangent, and their
inverses, arc-cosine, arc-sine, arc-tangent (or \dQuote{\emph{area
\item{x}{a numeric or complex vector}
These are generic functions: methods can be defined for them
individually or via the \code{\link{Math}} group generic.
Branch cuts are consistent with the inverse trigonometric functions
\code{asin()} et seq, and agree with those defined in Abramowitz and
Stegun, figure 4.7, page 86.
The trigonometric functions, \code{\link{cos}}, \code{\link{sin}},
\code{\link{tan}}, and their inverses
\code{\link{acos}}, \code{\link{asin}}, \code{\link{atan}}.
The logistic distribution function \code{\link{plogis}} is a shifted
version of \code{tanh()}.
====FILE Hyperbolic.Rd ENDS====
====File Trig.Rd STARTS====
\title{Trigonometric Functions}
These functions give the obvious trigonometric functions. They
respectively compute the cosine, sine, tangent, arc-cosine, arc-sine,
arc-tangent, and the two-argument arc-tangent.
atan2(y, x)
\item{x, y}{numeric or complex vector}
The arc-tangent of two arguments \code{atan2(y,x)} returns the angle
between the x-axis and the vector from the origin to \eqn{(x,y)},
i.e., for positive arguments \code{atan2(y,x) == atan(y/x)}.
Angles are in radians, not degrees (i.e., a right angle is
All except \code{atan2} are generic functions: methods can be defined
for them individually or via the \code{\link{Math}} group generic.
For the inverse trigonometric functions, branch cuts are defined as in
Abramowitz and Stegun, figure 4.4, page 79. Continuity on the
branch cuts is standard.
\item For \code{asin()} and \code{acos()}, there are two cuts, both
along the real axis: \eqn{\left(-\infty,-1\right]}{\(-infinity,1\]}
and \eqn{\left[1,\infty\right)}{\[1,infinity\)}. Functions
\code{asin()} and \code{acos()} are continuous from above on the
interval \eqn{\left(-\infty,-1\right]}{\(-infinity,1\]} and
continuous from below on
\item For \code{atan()} there are two cuts, both along the pure
imaginary axis: \eqn{\left(-i\infty,-i\right]}{\(-i*infinity,-i\]}
and \eqn{\left[i,i\infty\right)}{\[i,i*infinity\)}. Function
\code{atan()} is continuous from the left on the interval
\eqn{\left(-i\infty,-i\right]}{\(-i*infinity,-i\]} and from the
right on the interval
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988)
\emph{The New S Language}.
Wadsworth \& Brooks/Cole.
Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. (1964). \emph{Handbook of
Mathematical Functions}, Dover.
#Visualize branch cuts:
x <- seq(from = -4, to = 4, len = 100)
z <- outer(x,1i*x,"+")
persp(x,x,Im(asin(z)),theta= 40,phi=40,r=1e9, expand=0.6,
persp(x,x,Re(atan(z)),theta=-40,phi=40,r=1e9, expand=0.6,
#check continuity on branch cuts:
asin( 3+ 1e-9i*(-1:1))
asin(-3+ 1e-9i*(-1:1))
atan( 3i + 1e-9*(-1:1))
atan(-3i + 1e-9*(-1:1))
====FILE Trig.Rd ENDS====
Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
tel 023-8059-7743
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