[Rd] upgrading an R installation to next versoin

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 14:10:45 CEST 2005

When I install a new version of R (Windows XP) I have to:

1. copy my rw....\etc\Rprofile.site file to the new installation

2. copy the rw....\share\texmf files to the tex subfolder of the 
   miktex root directory and then refresh the miktex name database
   (I have a batch file that does this for me which I run
   whenever I install a new version of R.)

3. setup the shortcut key using 'properties' on my R desktop icon so 
   that ctrl-alt-R brings up the new rather than the old R.  (This one
   really had me confused once since I did not realize I was still
   using the old version of R after installing the new one.)

4. reinstall the packages I use or else setup etc\Renviron.site with 
   an R_LIBS to point to include the old library or perhaps one can
   copy the libraries over being careful not to overwrite new versions
   of the standard libraries.

Many other windows program automatically transfer the settings when 
you upgrade them.

I wonder if the installation process could optionally transfer
such settings from an old installation to a new one to make it
easier to install R.

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