[Rd] Bartlett test problem (PR#7980)

LCorbett@ustboniface.mb.ca LCorbett at ustboniface.mb.ca
Thu Jun 30 13:50:51 CEST 2005

Full_Name: Leslie Corbett
Version: R 2.1.1
OS: Windows 2000 Professional
Submission from: (NULL) (

Every time I try to use the Bartlett.test command, I get a non-responding
system. Can someone help?

How to reproduce:  
Easiest way: 1.  load Rcmdr; 2. import data set (one where you would do an
ANOVA); 3. manage variables in data set (choose at least one variable as a
factor). 4.  in Rcmdr choose Statistics , variances, Bartlett's test.  5.  This
is where my computer stops, my laptop stops and collegues' computers stop.

(Of course all this can be done directly in the R Gui window, yet the same
result occurs).


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