[Rd] Suggestion for the R Bugs web page

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at mn.rr.com
Wed Jun 22 19:09:05 CEST 2005

On Wed, 2005-06-22 at 18:51 +0200, Martin Maechler wrote:
> Thank you, Marc, for your suggestion.

My pleasure Martin.

> >>>>> "Marc" == Marc Schwartz <MSchwartz at mednetstudy.com>
> >>>>>     on Wed, 22 Jun 2005 10:15:00 -0500 writes:
>     Marc> Hi all,
>     Marc> I would like to recommend that the following text from the R Posting
>     Marc> Guide be placed on the R Bug submission page in the section "Submit New
>     Marc> Reports", which would read as follows:
>     Marc> Submit New Reports
>     Marc> You can submit new bug reports either using an online form by clicking
>     Marc> on the button below or by sending email to r-bugs at biostat.ku.dk. 
> actually, nobody should advertize that e-mail (but maybe those
> at ku.dk, when they talk about it inside DK), 
> but rather  r-bugs at r-project.org .
> The advantage of the latter is its "genericity" and the fact
> that mails are filtered a bit more.

That e-mail above (biostat.ku.dk) is the one presently on the R Bugs
page (both the text and the mailto: link).

>     Marc> Before you post a real bug report, make sure you read R Bugs in the
>     Marc> R-faq. If you're not completely and utterly sure something is a bug,
>     Marc> post a question to r-help, not a bug report to r-bugs - every bug report
>     Marc> requires manual action by one of the R-core members.
>     Marc> If you wish to comment upon an existing report, you cannot do that via
>     Marc> the web interface. Instead send an email to the above address with the
>     Marc> Subject: header containing (PR#999) -- replace 999 with actual report
>     Marc> number, of course.
> ------------
>     Marc> Perhaps reading that brief middle section, without having to click to
>     Marc> another page, will help to reduce user error reports going to R Bugs and
>     Marc> save members of R Core some time.
> Note that we (well, primarily Peter Dalgaard) have considered
> complete changes to the R-bugs "system" anyway some of which
> would obliterate the e-mail interface completely IIRC.

Bugzilla?  ;-)

JitterBug of course is no longer actively maintained by the Samba folks.

>     Marc> Also, as a quick pointer, I noted that there is a repeated word ("for")
>     Marc> on the R Home Page in the "Getting Started" box:
>     > R is a free software environment _for for_ statistical computing and
>     > graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms,
>     > Windows and MacOS. To download R, please choose your preferred CRAN
>     > mirror.
> I've fixed that one --- haven't checked for how many months this
> has remained unreported....
> Thank you, Marc!
> Martin

You are welcome Martin. I don't often go to the main page, as I have
specific pages bookmarked in Firefox. It just happened to catch my eye.


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