[Rd] Calling S functions from C routine not called from S?

Molins, Jordi Jordi.Molins at drkw.com
Thu Jul 28 13:21:18 CEST 2005

Dear R Developers,

In the book "S programming", page 138-9, it is said that "(...) it is only
possible to use call_S to call S functions from within C functions called
from S". However, in "S programming" page 148-9 it is stated:  "It can be
much easier to debug the code while called from a C or FORTRAN main program

My question is: is it possible to call S functions from a C routine not
called from S? (what I mean is to use S as an extended library in
independent C++ code). The second statement seems to imply that it is
possible to do so, right?

If it is possible, is there a "Hello, World!" example?

Kind regards


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