[Rd] (PR#7951) DispatchOrEval missing in do_isfinite and do_isinfinite
lars at predict.com
Fri Jul 15 01:26:50 CEST 2005
I ran into another internal function that is missing S4 dispatch. It is
the binary operator ":". Looking at the code, I see that it is actually
a common problem. Other candidates are operators like "~", "&&", "||"
and functions like: "length<-", "row", "col", "unlist", "cbind", etc. It
would for instance be nice to be able to write a matrix class that has
the same operators and functions as the built-in class. In general, I
think that all the operators and functions associates with built-in
types like vectors, lists, matrices and data frames should have S4 dispatch.
lars wrote:
> Hi,
> OK, if you try to explicitly make them generic, you are told that they
> are implicitly already generic:
> > setGeneric("is.finite", function(from, ...)
> standardGeneric("is.finite"))
> Error in setGeneric("is.finite", function(from, ...)
> standardGeneric("is.finite")) :
> "is.finite" is a primitive function; methods can be defined, but
> the generic function is implicit, and can't be changed.
> If you query about its genericness before you define you own generic,
> you get:
> > isGeneric("is.finite")
> [1] FALSE
> But after you define you own generic, you get:
> > setMethod("is.finite", signature(x="TS"),
> + function(x) {
> + Data(x) = callNextMethod()
> + x
> + })
> [1] "is.finite"
> > isGeneric("is.finite")
> [1] TRUE
> This all makes some sense, but I am not familiar enough with he
> internals to explain exactly why it is done this way. I think you will
> fine that 'is.nan' behave exactly the same way.
> Thanks,
> Lars
> Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
>> These functions are not generic according to the help page.
>> The same page says explicitly that is.nan is generic.
>> Where did you get the (false) idea that they were generic?
>> On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 lars at predict.com wrote:
>>> Full_Name: Lars Hansen
>>> Version: 2.1.0
>>> OS: SunOS 5.8
>>> Submission from: (NULL) (
>>> Hi,
>>> S4 method displacth does not work for the two generic functions
>>> 'is.finite' and 'is.infinite'. It turns out that the C functions
>>> 'do_isfinite' and 'do_isinfinite' in src/main/coerce.c are missing a
>>> call to 'DispatchOrEval' (see do_isnan). Added in the call fixed the
>>> problem. My functions no look like this:
>>> Form coerce.c:
>>> SEXP do_isfinite(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
>>> {
>>> SEXP ans, x, names, dims;
>>> int i, n;
>>> if (DispatchOrEval(call, op, "is.finite", args, rho, &ans, 1, 1))
>>> return(ans);
>>> checkArity(op, args);
>>> ...
>>> SEXP do_isinfinite(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
>>> {
>>> SEXP ans, x, names, dims;
>>> double xr, xi;
>>> int i, n;
>>> if (DispatchOrEval(call, op, "is.infinite", args, rho, &ans, 1, 1))
>>> return(ans);
>>> checkArity(op, args);
>>> ...
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