[Rd] Computer algebra in R - would that be an idea??

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Tue Jul 12 17:25:26 CEST 2005

On 7/12/2005 10:57 AM, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> On 7/12/05, Søren Højsgaard <Soren.Hojsgaard at agrsci.dk> wrote:
>> >From time to time people request symbolic computations beyond what D() and deriv() etc can provide. A brief look at the internet shows that there are many more or less developed computer algebra packages freely available. Therefore, I wondered if it would be an idea to try to 'integrate' one of these packages in R, which I guess can be done in more or less elegant ways... I do not know any of the computer algebra people around the World, but perhaps some other people from the R-community do and would be able to/interested in establishing such a connection...
> Coincidentally I asked the yacas developer about this just yesterday:
>   http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=7711431&forum_id=2216

It sounds like developing an R package to act as a wrapper would be the 
best approach.  I didn't see documentation for their API (the exports of 
their DLL), but I didn't spend long looking.

Duncan Murdoch

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