[Rd] .Rbuildignore {was: ... upgrading an R (WINDOWS) installation ..}

Seth Falcon sethfalcon at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 06:06:33 CEST 2005

On  6 Jul 2005, murdoch at stats.uwo.ca wrote:
> In fact, on Windows R is not case sensitive in the 1st or 3rd word
> on the line "R CMD install", only in the 2nd, so I can see Gabor's
> point.  However, I have to admit I always use "Rcmd install"; I put
> the "R CMD ..." version in place to help Unix refugees.

And this is appreciated by those of us that want to build packages on
different platforms in an automated fashion :-)

Although I agree with other posters in this thread that ports
generally work best when they behave as natively as possible, it is
the case that many R users use R on *both* Windows and Linux and
because of this, the consistency is very helpful.

+ seth

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