[Rd] Problem with dyn.load...or else...

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Thu Jul 7 16:28:26 CEST 2005

On 7/7/2005 10:16 AM, Marie-Hélène Ouellette wrote:
> At 19:46 2005-07-06, you wrote:
>>Marie-Hélène Ouellette wrote:
>>>Hi everybody,
>>>I'm working on Mac OS X and R-2.1.0 (by the way, sorry for the multiple 
>>>emails last time, had a technical problem, and thanks for the 
>>>constructive comments.)
>>>I have a .R function which calls a .C function.  The R function's name is 
>>>K_MEANSR.R and the other is K_MEANSC.C.
>>>I compile it with 'R CMD SHLIB K_MEANSC.C' in the terminal.  I get both 
>>>.so and .o files.
>>>I use the function
>>>  > dyn.load ('K_MEANSC.so')
>>>with no error.  We can, I believe, see here that it is loaded:
>>>  > getLoadedDLLs()
>>>base base
>>>stats /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/stats/libs/stats.so
>>>R_X11 /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/modules/R_X11.so
>>>            Dynamic.Lookup
>>>base               FALSE
>>>grDevices          FALSE
>>>stats              FALSE
>>>methods            FALSE
>>>K_MEANSC            TRUE
>>>R_X11               TRUE
>>>I then source the R code:
>>>  > source(file.choose())
>>>Construct a matrix that I will use for the analysis:
>>>  > tab<-c(1,1,3,4,6,6,3,5,7,67,5,6,65,3,5,1,5,42,3,567,6,4,7,7)
>>>  > tab<-matrix(tab,6,4)
>>>And try to use the function:
>>>  > K_MEANSR(tab,centers=c(2,4))
>>>[1] "AA"
>>>[1] "AAA"
>>>[1] "A"
>>>[1] "B"
>>>Error in .C("K_MEANSC", xrows = as.integer(xrows), xcols = 
>>>as.integer(xcols),  :
>>>          "C" function name not in load table
>>>Everything that is printed on the screen is correct, but why does it says 
>>>that 'K_MEANSC' function is not in load table??? It then just stops at 
>>>that stage of the .R function.
>>What does your declaration of the function look like in the K_MEANSC.C 
>>file?  R needs to know the name of the exported function, not the name of 
>>the .so file.
>>Duncan Murdoch
> It's in the form:
> K_MEANSC<- function(arguments...)
> {
> }
> So the name of my .C function is also K_MEANSC...

No, you misunderstood.  That's R code; I was asking about the C language 
code that you want .C("K_MEANSC", xrows = as.integer(xrows) ... to call.

Duncan Murdoch

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